Art, Adventure, and Everything in Between!
Welcome to Artventure by Andleeb! I’m Andleeb, and this is my space where the thrill of adventure meets the strokes of artistry. I’m on a quest to find my art style – but who can stick to just one?
Out of Ideas for Your Next Art Project?
Ever get that feeling where your brain’s like, “Nope, we’re not doing art today”? Yep, happens to me too. Funny thing, for someone who jumps between art niches like there’s no tomorrow, I do hit a creative wall sometimes.
So, I thought, why not gather all those random bursts of inspiration and share them? If you’re staring at a canvas thinking, “Now what?”, take a peek at my list. It’s got everything from the quirky doodles that pop into my head at 2 AM to those “Aha!” painting moments. Go on, borrow an idea (or two)!
1,290+ happy students
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12+ years of experience
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23+ Awards
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My Portfolio
Original Artworks by Andleeb
Here is what I’ve managed to finish so far. Hey, I’m a lazy artist, alright? No need to judge!
Autumn Tango – Original Watercolor
Size: 21 3/4″ x 15″
Autumn Tango – Original Watercolor
Size: 21 3/4″ x 15″
Autumn Tango – Original Watercolor
Size: 21 3/4″ x 15″
Autumn Tango – Original Watercolor
Size: 21 3/4″ x 15″
Autumn Tango – Original Watercolor
Size: 21 3/4″ x 15″
Autumn Tango – Original Watercolor
Size: 21 3/4″ x 15″
My Story
I Am A Watercolor Artist Who Is Always On A Mission To Make People Feel Loved And Accepted.
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Nulla posuere sollicitudin aliquam ultrices. Enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra. Vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed. Sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat. Metus dictum at tempor commodo.